From Around the Web: 20 Awesome Photos of stars77

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Usually the first thing you see, and always the first thing you hear, when you walk into a casino anywhere in the world is slot machines. The flashing lights, sirens and people jumping in excitement over their most recent win, sets the mood to one of excitement and possibility throughout the casino. ™

If you are anything like me, you may be very skeptical of this whole slots excitement thing. I always knew that playing slots was a losing proposition, because they only pay back a percentage of the money put into them, often between 90 and 98%, so I refused to play them for years. My wife on the other hand has always played slots, and seems to enjoy it, so I decided to give them a try. I quickly determined why they are so popular. The feeling that is generated when you win in addition to the possibility, no matter how small, of hitting a life-changing jackpot is almost indescribable. I have compiled a short list of why slots are so popular.

Playing slots is easy. All you have to do is decide how many coins you wish to wager and either push a button or pull on a handle.

Because they are so easy to play, it is much easier to socialize with your neighbor or significant other while playing.

With many of today's games tied to large progressive jackpots, there is always the chance you will win enough money to retire or change your life forever.

You can come and go as you please. The slot machines will be sitting in the same place when you get back from dinner, and won't complain if you are a little late.

The variety of slots available is staggering. You can play on hundreds of different slot machines in a single day. If you don't like the layout, design or position of the one you are using, there is another one just a few feet (or inches) away.

New slot machines are introduced all of the time, so there is always a variety of new and exciting games to play.

The bottom line is that slots are fun, relaxing and can be very enjoyable.

With the ever-increasing popularity of land-based slot machines, the Internet now offers hundreds of places where you can enjoy slots from the comfort of your home. To see some of these places and investigate the bonuses that they offer, take a look at Good luck at the slot machines!

Put away the apricot scrubs and shelve the loofah - that's no way to treat a delicate flower like the penis! Penile skin is delicate and is often compared to the skin that takes up residence around the eyes so it's important to care for it in a similar fashion. Now, that doesn't necessarily mean laying a ton of sliced cucumber on the love cucumber (it wouldn't be a bad thing), but it does mean that a certain amount of TLC needs to be top of mind when grooming the manly member. Uncovering healthy, strong skin on the penis happens at both the dining table and the shower.

Oil it Up!

That's not meant in the normal way a man would oil up his member. In this case, this is consuming plenty of healthy good fats. This prevents the skin from getting dry and flaky in the first place. Here are some wonderful sources of healthy mono- and polyunsaturated fats:

- Olive oil

- Nuts, especially walnuts

- Avocados

- Cheese

- Whole Eggs (not just the whites!)

- Fatty fish like salmon, herring, trout, and sardines

- Chia seeds

Cleanliness is Next to Godliness

Daily cleaning is the best method for exfoliating the penis. Start by letting warm water soften the penis. Next, suds up the member with a gentle, all-natural cleanser like a baby wash or something from an all-natural line free of harsh chemicals or cleaning agents. Avoid anything with a microbead or any sort of abrasive. Tenderly wash the entire genital area, pull back or pull up skin where needed. Clean every fold and crevasse. Rinse well while continuing to run the hands over the member, pulling and pushing skin gentle to ensure a complete clean.

Banish Dead Skin Build Up

For areas that seem to have a build up of dead skin or smegma, start slow and use a natural oil (vitamin e or a light apricot or grapeseed oil - but be careful not to spill anything on the shower floor) to soften dried skin. Gently work the oil in with the hands until the dead skin goes bye-bye. Then do the regular daily cleanse as described above and use a soft washcloth for additional exfoliation only if needed.

While some men may feel the urge to use something a bit more aggressive like a scrub or a detailer, fight the temptation. This very delicate skin can easily be torn and damaged, infighting not only bacteria and infection but also causing scar tissue. Scar tissue decreases penile sensitivity which makes it harder to get and keep the soldier at attention. The friction from scrubs can also cause nerve damage which will also decrease sensitivity.

Get Some Air

After a thorough cleansing, give the penis some air! Air drying is a great way to give the penis more time away from the constraints of underwear and clothing. Ensure the penis is completely dry by using a soft towel to gently pat the skin dry. This keeps moisture away from the penis (keeping bacteria at bay) and also promotes penile sensitivity.

Moisturize for a Smooth Penis

After completing the cleansing ritual, use a specially formulated penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) on the penis. Choose a cream that gives the penis a smooth, supple feel while locking in moisture with all-natural ingredients like Shea butter and vitamin E. Also look for creams with added vitamins and nutrients to help with cell turnover (like vitamins B5 and D3) and ALAs to combat free-radicals which prematurely age skin. Finally, find a cream with vitamin C to help build healthy collagen, promoting supple skin and elasticity. With this new grooming ritual, any man can have a stars77 smooth penis to be proud of.