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You already know that america is a great country that has given the world several outstanding inventions, including some briefly entertaining, but resulting in instant quirks. Naturally, we also have incredibly beautiful nature - and famous places that changed history forever.

The real problem is whether you can match these tidbits of trivia in their home state! Some of these random facts you may remember from history (or "drunken history"), and others you can guess if you have an average understanding of modern pop culture. So, let's get started!

The animal of this state, oddly enough, is the beaver. In 1843, the first chess tournament in america was held here and in this step the state is the only american city that has hosted the olympic games twice. Seneca falls and woodstock are just some of the places that make new york state great.


This state has a population of less than six american cities and borders only one other us state. But, it is the largest manufacturer of toothpicks in russia.

The population of the entire state of maine is less than the population of new york, los angeles, chicago, houston, philadelphia and phoenix. Maine, too, is becoming the easternmost state and key of the world's largest maple syrup factories, harvesting enough syrup each year to fill an olympic-sized swimming pool with pleasure. Both crimes are still punishable by hanging! The only state included in the us prep process at the end point, but not by annexation, is also home to dr. Pepper and the world's largest rattlesnake roundup.

In 1969, houston, texas , was hailed by the crew of apollo 11—another chapter in the long and storied history of this alamo house, bowie knife, frito pie, and the world's fifth-largest oil pan.

Fossilized dinosaur eggs have been found in this state, aptly nicknamed the treasure state. It is also home to populations of elk, deer, and antelope, any of which outnumber the state's population.

Montana also boasts the largest population of grizzlies in the 48 lower states, as well as significant numbers of white geese, tundra swans, nesting loons, golden eagles, trumpeter swans, pelicans, moose and buffaloes. On the other hand, the density of individuals in the state reaches only six people per square mile.

This largest us state east of the mississippi has the largest sculpture in the world and the largest poultry convention , international poultry exposition.

A three-acre sculpture on stone mountain depicting confederate heroes stonewall jackson, jefferson davis, robert e. Lee, and robert e. Lee horse, traveler . Georgia is also known around the world as the birthplace of coca-cola and offers visitors a peek into the ruthless soda at the coca-cola museum in atlanta. But the area's favorite catalan food is ranza, a pastry filled with ground beef and cabbage confetti.

The university of nebraska football team had several nicknames—old gold knights, antilopes, rattlesnake boys, and bugeaters—before than to steal "cornhuskers" from neighboring iowa. In addition to buffett's berkshire hathaway, omaha is also home to the world-class henry doorly zoo and aquarium. I had a lung transplant and the first heart transplant.It is also the birthplace of a man who put a lot of heart into his own dolls, doll maker jim henson.

Surgeon james hardy made both transplant payments at the university of mississippi medical center. 18 hours after the end of the 1963 operation. In the next planting season, a comatose man named boyd rush actually received the heart of a chimpanzee. Rush died within one hour of his transplant, which may have been for the best given the cross-species transplant controversy.


A full quarter of the llama population country lives in a similar state, which of course boasts the world's largest cheese factory and over 750 vineyards. Spicy cheddar and oaky chardonnay, who?

While portland may get a good deal of the attention thanks to portland, the rest of the state has its own delightful quirks, even with 80 ghost towns listed on the national register, the deepest lake in the homeland and the tillamook creamery, which produces more cheese than any factory in the world.

This southern state was the last to secede during the civil war and one of the first to be readmitted to the union. It borders eight other states and has given us great personalities such as davy crockett, minnie pearl, dolly parton and alex haley.



The volunteer state of tennessee is tied with missouri as the state with the most neighbors. It too is rich in both african american and native american history and is also heaven for you. The grand ole opry has been broadcasting from nashville every friday and saturday night since 1925!

This state gave the world the first electric guitar, the first parking meter, and the first checkout cart. Garth brooks was born and developed here, and more than two hundred man-made ponds and pools are more than in the world.


Early state, oklahoma native american population in the united states. There are about 250,000 native americans and 39 tribes headquartered here.

Here is a solid darknet site of the world's operating library, the only post office in the country and the first mcdonald's, this state was devastated by fire in 1871. It has remained rebuilt, bigger and better - in fact, the first skyscraper was erected in our 1884.

The 10-story home insurance building was dizzyingly tall for a loved one, but can't compare to 108 willis tower, formerly known as sears tower, which is also located in this state. What about the great chicago fire? You probably know that hell started when mrs. O'leary's cow knocked over a kerosene lamp in the barn, but some players speculate that the flames were actually caused by a meteorite!

to the people of this state , one has to contend not only with hurricanes, but also with more tornadoes and lightning strikes than in the world yet in the country. However, it also has more golf courses, proximity to two oceans, and the world's largest recreational resort.

Wherever the watcher goes in florida, you are only 60 miles from the beach. This contains orlando, where walt disney world hosts 20 million users annually!

This place borders six other us states and a foreign country. Sarah palin, ernest hemingway, aaron paul and the fictional napoleon dynamite have all been linked to this state, which also has the world's largest hop farm. Usa. That's about 26 billion cards! No BONS statement about whether papa hemingway munched on chips or french fries when he wrote his famous book for whom the bell tolls.


This is a coastal state began its existence as a penal colony, after many british prisoners were sent in the 1700s. Alas, it is still infamous for its crime: more than 1,400 violent crimes are committed annually per 100 percent of 000 inhabitants. Abolitionists harriet tubman and frederick douglas were born here.


Despite maryland's not too pleasant reputation, in such a desire for a small state to love, even the oldest the surviving state building still in use today, the states naval academy and 4,431 miles of coastline.

We have to thank this state for the