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When you come in for your appointment we’ll begin by discussing your unwanted tattoo with you. During the consultation, we'll go over all of your options and decide if removal, color correction, or removal and color correction is best to suit your goals. An in depth consultation where expectations are discussed, facial measurements are taken, colors are determined, and a removable drawing of what your brows will look like is performed for your approval before the tattooing procedure. The procedure can be performed the same day of the consultation. We allow enough time to complete paperwork, take before/after photos, 15-20 minutes of topical numbing, the procedure, and finally a review of aftercare. If you have had permanent makeup done, chances are, you are a good candidate for removal. In general, large, dark basics or particularly colorful tattoos are harder to remove than some smaller tattoos or tattoos that are light in shade—like lip or cheek tint.