Mumble hosting

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Mumble is a popular voice consumer, having a free primary code, usually used by gamers.

We have to install bzip2 to be able to unpack the server files.
Try to start by adding a user record.
Download the server service, murmur.
Configure the folder structure and permissions.
Extract and move music to popular folders.
Now we need to change some settings in the server configuration.
Uncomment and change #uname= to uname=murmur
Uncomment and change #logfile= to logfile=/var/log/murmur/murmur.Log
Uncomment and change #pidfile= to pidfile=/var/run/murmur/murmur.Pid
Save the changes you made, and exit nano. For the internal configuration of your server, see the "setup" section below.
Create the /etc/tmpfiles file.D/murmur.Conf and paste mumble the following there.
Then create a service file /etc/systemd/system/murmur.Maintenance and paste into the following content.
Install the service.
Now it's not difficult for us – we need to open ports, and people will be able to continue communicating! Run the following commands.
Using mumble
To start the server:
To stop the server:


Any of these changes can be made to the /etc/murmur.Ini file.
To improve the diversity of one-armed bandits by 200, change users=100 to users=200.
To update the welcome message, change the line following the welcometext. It works with basic html markup.